Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Comfy but Metallica!

Love it or leave it, she with the deadly bite
Quick is the blue tongue, forked as the lightning strike
Shining with brightness, always on surveillance
The eyes, they never close, emblem of vigilance

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Purple Haze

 Grey skies - tiring - sleepless - bad hair - no make up - days BUT still got enough powers to take a couple of pics. First of all I'm so happy I'm done with the final exams and have already finished this important chapter with some good grades! The tiring days were so damn worth it and I kind of owned a higher level of self-esteem which grows me stronger day by day. The pictures of this post were taken one of this days when I was getting to know more about the second semester and then on the way home I met this guy who insisted to take some pictures of me. It wasn't planed and I wasn't in my best looking conditions but anyway I couldn't refuse. We found some random corners of different quarters and kept shooting. In addition, it is almost spring and I find it fun to take pictures of the first flowers blooming...well, as long as it doesn't become too mainstream! lol

Sunday, March 1, 2015

What you imagine, you create.

 Hello guys! It's been a long time I haven't post anything but I had to take my finals so couldn't find any time for a photoshoot. So, I thought it would be a good idea to post one of my final projects I had to present these days. As you can tell, this post is totally dedicated to my sculpture and ceramic experience. This subject was part of my school days since it started and now I'm done with it. One of the main reasons we apply this subject is learning how to model real objects in the future. Is about giving life to something which is only part of your mind or just drawn somewhere. It was fun for as long as it lasted. I hope you guys enjoy my work!