Where to start...You may ask yourselves why am I choosing "shelter" as the main word for this post. I guess it's because it sounds so delicate but warm enough to keep me safe. It's the only word that perfectly describes my latest days. It's amazing when you get to know that your life has just started to follow the way you had been dreaming for ages. It's so nice when at the end of a fulfilled day, you notice your feet hurt to death, your batteries are low but your eyes sparkling from an inner joy. This is how my days are passing everyday. I wake up early every morning with a terrible desire to stay in bed and never wanting to start the day but then after the hours pass I think to myself how stupid I was that morning for wanting such thing! I mean...how could've I missed it?! It's all about the lessons I'm taking at school everyday. I always find myself interested at those stuff I have to get through...it is all about Art, drawing, creating and everything. If home is where my family is, this new life containing all these subjects is my new warm shelter.