"And so this is Christmas for weak and for strong, for rich and the poor ones...the world is so wrong..."
If Christmas about sharing, I'll share what I have with my dear ones, the people I love the most, the people I know for ages, with those whom I would even die for. Anyone. But I guess it's not only about this at all...Christmas is about giving without waiting for others to give in return. Just give! A present, an old shirt you used to love, a flower, a chocolate, a beautiful conversation, bear hugs or even a love letter. This year I chose to give something to the orphan children here in my birthplace. I've been there many times but this year was special. Never thought I could ever feel so powerless...I wish I could fix something about their lives but I'm not a goddess and I don't have super powers. All they need is love and love is not a myth so just don't hang back to spread the love in any kind of way possible!
This baby girl is called Daniela. She melted my heart. No need for more words.
All the girls were curious about my lipstick so I had to give them a hand and take a picture all together how beautiful they were! I gave them many clothes, teddy bears and food as a material present. I didn't expect them to do the same but actually I didn't leave without taking something. They put a smile on my face and a tear in my heart. God bless these wonderful children and never leave them alone again! Amen.
And here's me on Christmas eve before starting to prepare the delicious dinner with my mom and grandma.
I told you my mom wasn't over with Christmas sweets so here they are: This one is called "Bakllava" . It's cooked in almost every Albanian family on New Year's eve. Well we couldn't wait that far though! haha.

Well, there can't be Christmas without the taste of "Panettone" .
Dinner is ready!
Cute details of my look ^^
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Christmas day stands also for the day when I was baptized. I was almost two years old when everything happened. The priest said that I actually had the chance to keep the same name as the one I had. "Kristiana" is a christian name which contains the "Christ" from Jesus. I'm so glad to celebrate this day on Christmas because first of all, no one can forget to wish me about it and secondly, all my family focuses more on me! You know that feeling? I looove that feeling!
So, Happy Christmas! May this holiday season sparkle and open the gate of new opportunities and success! May love and happiness fill your days! <3
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